Hotel Frankfurt Oder, Zur Alten Oder, City Residence Hotel Frankfurt Oder

Hotelanschrift: Fischerstraße 32, D-15230 Frankfurt (Oder)  |  Reservierung: +49 335 556 220  Or +49 175 246 0304


The Oderstrand opens its gates - your visit to the hotel in Frankfurt-Oder

Frankfurt-Oder is looking forward to the summer holidays and this year, too, the locals and guests are looking forward to beautiful summer evenings on the Oder beach. This year there is Cuban flair on the Oder. The restaurateur Osmany Ventura from the Havana Bar will be responsible for the party at the Oderstrand.


This year there will be a pure beach feeling on the Oder again this year. Even if there is no football championship with live broadcasts this year, there will still be a lot going on. From July 28th to the end of August, dance events, live music and open-air film nights will take place with a Cuban flair. If the weather is good, an extension is possible.

The Oderstrand will also be created directly under the Oderbrücke this year. The Oder Bridge is the border bridge between Germany and Poland. The state border officially runs through the middle of the Oder and thus also on the bridge. The construction of today's bridge began in September 1934, when the Reichsautobahn between Fürstenwalde/Spree and Frankfurt-Oder was planned. In the summer of 1937 this section of the line was finished and in the winter of 1937 it was already possible to drive to Berlin. Before the beginning of the Second World War, the motorway to Poznań and thus the Oder Bridge could not be completed.


The plans only continued from 1953 and in 1957 the first construction work began. A reinforced concrete arch bridge was built, over which traffic was directed across the border in the decades that followed. There was one lane for each direction.

Another milestone was the year 1993 after the fall of the wall. In a state treaty between Germany and Poland, the resumption of construction work was decided, thus laying the legal basis for further construction. In the period that followed, a team from a German and a Polish construction company began expanding and repairing the bridge.


The construction work was completed in 1997 and the then Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl was able to open the bridge together with the then Polish Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek. Since the year 200, more and more cars and trucks have been driving across the bridge.

Unter diesem imposanten Bauwerk, dass zugleich die Verbindung zwischen Deutschland und Polen darstellt, können Sie auch in diesem Jahr wieder entspannte Sommerabende verbringen. Wenn Sie in den Sommermonaten in unserem Hotel zu Gast sind, lohnt sich ein Besuch am Oderstrand auf jeden Fall. Auch an einem sonnigen Nachmittag finden Sie dort sicher einen Platz zum Sonnen und relaxen. Wenn Sie nach einem erholsamen Ausflug an den Oderstrand Richtung Hotel zurückgehen, können Sie den Tag auch im Restaurant Kontor in Frankfurt-Oder ausklingen lassen.

Hotel Zur Alten Oder Frankfurt - das 3 Sterne Hotel
with bar, beer garden and function rooms
in Frankfurt (Oder)

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