Sunny days in Frankfurt-Oder during your stay at the hotel in Frankfurt-Oder
Spring is coming soon and if you are in the next few weeks Hotel in Frankfurt-Oder visit, you can look forward to many varied outdoor activities and experience the first rays of sunshine of the year. Frankfurt-Oder is an active city where many sporting activities are possible in the great outdoors. In the spring months, the city wakes up with the first rays of sunshine and offers many opportunities to fully enjoy the unique nature along the Oder. From ours Hotel near the train station of Frankfurt-Oder From here you can quickly reach beautiful places on foot or by bike.
Frankfurt-Oder is an ideal city especially for cycling and hiking tours as well as for long walks. In addition to tours along the Oder on the Oder-Neisse cycle path, part of the Way of St. James also leads through the region. Although north-eastern Europe has so far only been connected to the well-known medieval network of paths in Spain, France and southern Germany in a few areas, part of the Way of St. James can be found very close to St. Marienkirche. Visitors can recognize this by the scallop shell on the north portal of the church.
If you want to go on a bike tour on the Oder-Neisse cycle path in spring, you will find one of the most beautiful long-distance cycle paths in Germany here. The stage near Frankfurt-Oder leads along the Oderwiesen and over the island of Ziegenwerder. The Oderpromenade is also part of the route. The Oder-Neisse cycle path is very close to ours Hotels in Frankfurt-Oder.
If you want to experience more action, you can also try skating. In Frankfurt-Oder there is a skating facility on Mühlenweg and there are other opportunities for skating in the surrounding area. You can also have fun along the Oder with a skateboard or inline skaters. The Oderdeich is also a popular spot for skating.
The first rays of spring sunshine can also be enjoyed on a walk through the many parks in Frankfurt-Oder. From ours Hotel in the center of Frankfurt-Oder aus erreichen Sie die schönsten Parks der Stadt in nur wenigen Minuten. Den Lenné-Park, einer der ältesten Bürgerparks Deutschlands, sollten Sie auf jeden Fall besuchen. Der Park wurde mit Pflanzen und Skulpturen kunstvoll gestaltet. Nicht weit davon befindet sich der Lienaupark. Auch die Oder-Insel Ziegenwerder und der Kleistpark sind einen Besuch wert. Um alle Parks und Grünflächen der Stadt zu erkunden, sollte man viel Zeit einplanen. Und wenn Sie dann von einem sonnigen und ereignisreichen Tag zurück ins Hotel kommen, können Sie den Tag im Restaurant „Kontor“ in Frankfurt-Oder ausklingen lassen.
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